What's included?

Our Interactive Debunking the Myths in AI is part of our YOU can work in Tech series which encourages you to learn more about AI and your future career in it.
It involves addressing common misconceptions and highlighting various pathways with a focus on the non-traditional routes into the fields.

Course outline:

    1. Explore and debunk common myths in AI

    2. Career Paths Into AI

    3. What's next?

    4. What did you think of this course?

Debunking the Myths in AI

  • Free
  • Age: 13-17 years olds
  • Level: Beginner
  • Takes approximately 15 minutes to complete

Meet Your Role Model

We worked with Michelle, an AI/Gameplay Programmer to create this course.

Gameplay and AI Programmer Michelle McPartland

I have been getting paid to program AI off and on for 20 years. I've worked on a number of different videogame franchises including Bioshock, Borderlands, XCom and most recently Call of Duty. My career started off in researching Machine Learning techniques in computer simulations. One of my favourite projects was developing artificial ant brains to try to mimic how ants search for food. I did a PhD which looked at creating First Person Shooter (FPS) bots that learnt how to play a game through experience. I am now a Technical Director for Sledgehammer Games in Australia :)