A code of conduct is a way of behaving in a specific community of people. It’s basically a set of “rules” which are full of respect and kindness.

What does it mean to be an InnovateHer?

We believe that part of what makes learning with InnovateHer special is the chance to meet other InnovateHer’s from all over the UK, and learn from one another. When you join our InnovateHer online community it means that you agree to behave with respect and kindness to fellow learners, yourself, and your mentors.

Keep your personal information safe!

Please make sure you are happy with your privacy settings in our platform and when you are engaging with the community. Take a read over here for full information around how to keep safe online and what we do with your data.

You will credit someone else’s work where you have borrowed ideas.

Do not copy another learner’s comment or work and pretend that it is your own. If you are working in a team, it’s fine to collaborate with someone else and present joint work though. If you wish to quote text from another source, remember to show where it came from. If it’s from the web, include the URL.

You are respectful of others, and will not use words that are offensive.

This includes, but is not limited to, language, names or content that are:

•  sexist
•  racist
•  homophobic
•  transphobic
•  antisemitic
•  transphobic
•  islamophobic
•  sexually explicit,
•  abusive
•  contains swearing
•  or is otherwise likely to cause offence.

Remember that you are in an inclusive learning environment shared with people who may be of different ages, nationalities, religions, cultures and backgrounds, and with different knowledge, ability and life experience to you.

Communicating online through text can lead to misunderstandings, so it is important to give other people the benefit of the doubt, and be kind in your interactions: sometimes it’s difficult to know or fully appreciate the situation of the person you’re talking to.

If you disagree with someone’s ideas you should talk to them but not attack them personally.

We consider a personal attack to be any negative comment directed to or about an individual that is about them personally, or uses personal information against them. This applies to comments directed at mentors, as well as learners, for example comments about the physical appearance of someone in a video. If you aren’t able to resolve your differences with someone, you should stop communicating with them, otherwise you may have to leave the course.

You are supportive and helpful when providing feedback to others

Feedback should be offered in order to help, rather than make anyone feel bad. Giving constructive feedback is a skill in itself and extremely valuable to the learning process. We will show you how to do this.

You add to conversations and don’t ‘spam’ other learners by posting the same comment multiple times or posting comments that are not related to the course

Completely off-topic comments and identical (or near-identical) comments posted repeatedly will be considered spam. Off-topic comments are not related to the overall subject of a course or to the specific subject of the step. It is natural for conversation to drift, but completely unrelated comments can be disruptive and frustrate other learners.