Why was this learning platform created?

We love to collaborate - it’s one of our core values. We co-created this new learning and community hub with our students over the past year. We’ve worked in over 60 schools since 2016, reaching over 1,000 girls and non-binary students like you across the North West. During the pandemic we realised we needed an online offer so we could continue our work. In April 2020 we launched InnovateHer Online which meant we could keep doing our thing, teaching teens like you digital skills and connecting you up with one another, virtually.

What have we learned?

Over the past year we’ve learned so much. 436 students studied with us online and 28% gave us feedback. Highlights for us were:

Students told us they are developing more digital skills online, including creative, design and marketing. Students want us to teach more coding (coming soon!) Learning virtually is developing more confidence in students about jobs in tech than face to face learning. 23% of students wanted some live meetings so we’ll be organising more of these!

How have the students been involved in the design process?

2020 surveys + 21 students interviewed

We tested things over the last year and found out what works (and what doesn’t work!) We’ve gathered a lot of feedback from our students and then made it even better. We’ve run research groups with schools and individual interviews with students. We’ve surveyed students who’ve studied online with us. We’ve included some of your ideas and requests in the design. We’re learning all the time and every piece of feedback matters to us. Our new platform will continue to be tested by students from different schools over the UK.

The importance of community and values to InnovateHer

Values and community

We’d like to thank everyone in our community who has given up their time and energy to help us get to where we are today, we’re proud of the new learning platform and want to see it continue to grow!